Kamis, 23 Mei 2013

SEO is everything

I heard a trainer gives tips SEO SEO techniques say "SEO is everything, not important contents ugly website design, which is an important rank 1"

I frankly do not agree with these ideas? why? thing that causes a lot of questions of people who say "you know why I've use the best SEO services and pay expensive but my sales ga uphill?"

Well that, Internet Marketing is just one factor in business is MARKETING, MARKETING once again, how PRODUCTION, DISTRIBUTION, CUSTOMER SERVICE? Do not forget the others too!!

Many people forget this, it is true, there are websites that interface ugly, ugly design, until even the customer service was chaotic, but still crowded and there transaction occurred, but should be asked

1. SURE there are "only" can be found on the website so that the web was still crowded? there must be

2. is it wrong if we improve in terms of design, production and customer service? whether marketing is just enough for the long term?

I said of course not.

When there selling cakes and cookies you want to hit, website is one of your channels to deliver your message to the world, but ..... if your cake sweetness, acidity, cowardliness? (Sob) ...... if I can blame and charge all to SEO?

SEO is just newcomers traffic, SEO is simply bringing POTENTIAL buyers.

Why do not we make it all as a single business entity than relying only complete SEO, if we have the funds to clean up, why not?

So, whether you think SEO is everything?

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